Breathwork for Anxiety

This is a 3 minute video with a simple breathing exercise to help reduce anxiety. Connecting with the body by placing hands on the chest and belly helps connect us to our physical selves and the present moment, breathing out as if through a straw helps to slow and smooth the exhale which aids in bringing the parasympathetic nervous system into dominance. Breathing deep into the belly can help to bring the breath out of the chest, which can break an anxiety loop.

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Loren Farese
A Great Way to Start Your Day: A 13 min Yoga Practice

This is a 13 min gentle/Level 1 practice designed as a way to start off your day (but heck do it whenever you dang well please!). Well-rounded with spinal movement in all 6 directions, a little bit of breath, movement, and meditation. You will need a strap and a chair/block if you usually use those props for sun salutes. Enjoy!

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Loren Farese
Watch Your Back! (Back Care Class)

This is a class that focuses on back relief and care. We do some gentle stretching and strengthening designed with back health in mind. Remember that every body is different, and not all of these movements may feel good every day. Listen to your body and your doctor's recommendations first.

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Loren Farese
The Zoom Antidote Class

Are you spending most of your day on Zoom (or at a desk?)? This class is designed to open the parts of the body that tend to shorten and tighten while spending extended periods of time sitting or hunched over a computer. Specifically we will work to open the fronts of shoulders and hip flexors, and ground the nervous system.

There are three options, a gentle/restorative class, a Level 1 class, and a Level 2 class, different ones might feel appropriate on different days.

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Loren Farese