I am currently offering online classes! Join me for $15/month to access all my classes and practice with me.

Private Yoga Session

These sessions will focus on developing and strengthening your yoga practice. I will lead you through breath work, asana practice, and relaxation, the specifics of which will be unique to what you are looking for. During this practice we will focus on optimal alignment in poses, building strength and balance, and bringing balance to the nervous system. These sessions are a great place to “work on” poses and hone your practice, or to design a home practice.

60 mins - $125

90 mins - $175

Five 60-min sessions - $550

Photo - Helen Reed

Photo - Helen Reed


Group Yoga Session

This is the perfect opportunity for a group of friends or co-workers who want to share the connection of a yoga practice together. These classes can be specifically designed to meet the needs and desires of the group, and include breath work, asana, and relaxation, as well as partner work if desired. A group yoga class is great way to create team connectedness and bonding outside of the workplace or home! Space used depends on group size.

60 Mins - $100 Base rate + $15 per each additional person

90 mins- $150 base rate + $15 per each additional person

Monthly group discounts available

Photo - Adrienne Battistella

Photo - Adrienne Battistella

Private Yoga Therapy Session

These sessions are geared towards healing and wellness with a specific area of suffering in mind, be it physical, mental, or spiritual. During this time together we will spend some time in personal discussion, and the rest of our time in practice that includes breath work, therapeutic asana, and relaxation. You will leave these sessions with a treatment plan for you to practice during the time between sessions, designed to specifically address the areas in which you desire change. Each meeting together builds on and adapts to the changes and growth from our work together. My training in yoga therapy includes specific focus in mental health, chronic pain, back/neck/shoulder pain, stress, cancer, heart disease, grief, and neurological disorders.

1 session (90 mins)- $175

3 sessions (first is 90 mins, others are 60 mins)- $450

5 sessions (first is 90 mins, others are 60 mins)- $700

Photo - Helen Reed

Photo - Helen Reed