
Loren - She brings a wealth of knowledge that she weaves into her classes with great gentleness, warmth, and humor. She is most humble, and if I had only one word to describe her, it would be "genuine".

The work that we did together in one-on-one sessions truly impacted my life. Using asana, sound therapy, and principles of chakra energy, I was able to abandon old thought patterns and release emotional trauma that had gripped me for years. She is a special person with a healer's touch.

- Kristin Attebury, yoga therapy client


My experience with Loren as an instructor has been frankly unparalleled in the 6 years I've spent in her classrooms. She has in innate gift for understanding the needs of her students; a depth of understanding of the body that is rare to see. She has a unique ability to encourage people to explore their spiritual and/or physical practice on their own terms; to empower her students to push, but never strain in their asana practice.

I think the real gift that Loren possesses that's fairly unteachable is her ability to unite the physical asana practice with the highly spiritual, without really divorcing it from the everyday application of yoga in our lives. The "yolk", as it were. Never alienating for folks who just want to move their bodies, never devoid of insight for those who are on a spiritual path, Loren's teachings are undoubtedly some of the most even-handed and impactful I've come across.

- Michael Long, yoga student


Loren was my yoga teacher, teacher training instructor, and my mentor. I was honored to have such a compassionate, dedicated and supportive teacher. Loren has Yoga and a love for people in her SOUL! It kind of leaks out and embraces everyone she is around! Miss her like crazy! Do yourself a favor, get to know this amazing woman!

- Pam Albers, yoga student

I began my journey with Loren two years ago at Yoga Krewe in New Orleans. I had just signed up for yoga teacher training there; she was one of the instructors putting on the training. I was immediately drawn to her calming presence and positive energy. Unbeknownst to the people there and even myself, I was battling with panic disorder and severe anxiety. I made it through the 200 hour certification with the help and support of her, the staff, and my fellow classmates but shortly after new something had to change. I sought the help of a counselor and not too long after, Loren reached out to me if I would be interested in doing private sessions for her yoga therapy certification. These sessions with her really helped my awareness of what my diagnosis was doing to my body and gave me the tools to counteract those ailments. She is such a bright light to be around- calming, reassuring, and stable. I am forever grateful of the time I have gotten to spend with her, for all of her wisdom, teachings, and light!

- Alicia Perry, Yoga training student / yoga therapy client


I started my Yoga practice as a 'newbie' and was most fortunate to be guided by Loren as my Yoga instructor and mentor. Loren has a gift of creating a welcoming, safe place for her students to explore and expand their practice at their own pace while instructing with careful detail to breath and alignment of poses ... Through Loren's guidance in restorative yoga, I was led on a personal journey uniting my mind and body to release old wounds and restore my body to a relaxed and natural state of healing.

Loren truly loves to share her extensive yoga training with careful attention to each student to help guide them to their full potential with encouragement, empathy and a great sense of humor! … I highly recommend Loren, her professionalism, kindness and welcoming heart laced with an abundant knowledge of all aspects of Yoga, will truly enrich your journey.



Loren Farese is by far the best yoga teacher I have ever had. Her gentle assists and encouragement help me try poses I thought I could never do … She has helped me find routines specific to my body and aches, paying special attention to my range of skill and motion. She is very approachable with any questions and concerns and genuinely cares about her students’ improvement. More than that, Loren is a caring ear and compassionate person whose presences makes me feel better; like I can work towards the best version of myself. Thank you, Loren!

- Marsha Bard, Yoga student

Loren Farese was the first instructor that I encountered after attempting Yoga following meniscal repair surgery to my right knee. She noticed that I was new to that particular studio and introduced herself to me prior to class. She inquired about my injury and monitored me throughout class to ensure safety … I felt so good after class, that I would purposely look on the schedule to see when she was teaching and attend her class. As time progressed, my ROM and strength improved and I became smitten with the practice of Yoga. So much so, that I signed up for Yoga teacher training in which she was an instructor. The ROM and strength that I had in my 20’s and 30’s returned once again under her tutelage and I discovered that she was wise beyond her years.

If anyone wants to begin, enhance, or fortify their Yoga practice, I strongly recommend Loren. She walks the walk and talks the talk of a true Yogi.

- Brian Simpson, Physical Therapist / Yoga Training Student